Protease enzymes:-

Product Details :

Protease is a protease enzyme preparation derived from Non-GMO strain. It is an enzyme with broad substrate specificity and can efficiently hydrolyze most soluble proteins. It finds use in feed/food application for hydrolysis of various Vegetable proteins.

1.animal feed protease:-

BL Neutral Protease is a Protease Enzyme in Powder Form. It is designed to break down proteins present in the Animal Feed and Food Molecules. The composition of feed/Food contains various essential proteins. It breaks these proteins to Amino soluble acids, which can be easily absorbed. The wide applications for proteases in animal nutrition are during the processing of feed ingredients. Proteases in feed can be an option to reduce dietary protein levels, maintaining high performance. Enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins is the method of choice in processing animal by-products or plant-source feedstuffs. Some peptides of plant or animal sources also have interesting activities.

Protein sources for replacement of fishmeal in feed for carnivorous fish are of growing interest due to significant concerns about the limited World fish supply. The addition of proteases to carnivorous diets induced contradictory results. A common use for proteases in pet food is in the production process of digestion, a hydrolyzed concentrate that is used as a flavour in dry pet food to improve its palatability.

2.protease used in detergent:-

Proteases are one of the most critical commercial enzymes used in various industrial domains such as detergent and textile industries. The proteases, as well as other detergent-compatible enzymes such as lipases and amylases, serve now as the key contains in detergent formulations. They break down different stains during fabric washing. The search for detergent-compatible proteases with better properties is a continuous exercise. The current trend is to use detergent-compatible proteases that are stable over a wide temperature range, and elevated pH can be used in detergent formulations, their usage can be significant if they are also durable and compatible with detergent and detergent ingredients, and also able to remove protein stains. Despite the existence of some reviews on alkaline proteases, there is no specification for the use of proteases as detergent additives.

4.acidic protease:-

Acid proteases are also exploited for use in clearing beer and fruit juice, improving the texture of flour paste, and tenderizing the fibril muscle. Fungal species mostly produce these extracellular acid proteases. Acid proteases are stable and active between pH 3.5 and 5.5 and are frequently used in soy sauce, protein hydrolysate, and digestive aids and the production of seasoning material. The optimum pH of acidic proteases is 3–4 and the isoelectric point range is between 3 and 4.4 with a molecular weight of 31–46 kDa.

5.Neutral protease:-

Neutral proteases are defined as, such as they are active at a Neutral or weakly acidic or weakly basic pH. Mostly neutral proteases belong to the genus Bacillus and with a relatively low thermo-tolerance ranging from pH 5 to 8. They generate less bitterness in the hydrolysis of food proteins due to an average rate of reactions; therefore, they are considered widely used in the food industries. Neutral protease is applicable in the brewery. Based on high affinity toward antihydrophilic amino acids, neutral proteases are identified and characterized. During the production of food hydrolyzes, it is slightly advantageous to control the reactivity of neutral proteases due to low thermo-tolerance.


Types of protease enzymespHuse of proteaseSource
Acid protease3.5 to 5.5Clear beer and fruit juice, imroving, texture of flor paste and tendering the fibril musclesMoslty produced by fungle species
soy sauce, protien hydolystae and digestive aids
Neutral protease6.0 to 7.5Food industris and brewing industriesMoslty produce by bacterial species
Alkaline protease8.5 to 10.5Widely used in detergent industries and textile industriesMoslty produce by bacterial species