An aerobe is an organism that needs an oxygenated environment to prosper. These organisms breathe oxygen for survival, and it is called cellular respiration. They use oxygen to oxidise substances to generate energy.

Aerobic culture is an essential element that is used to treat contaminated water which later can be returned to the water cycle. The environment is a prior concern these days and water is an essential element of it. This urges a need to treat a fluid before it could be reused for different purposes. During the treatment, suspended and floatable particles are filtered and treated separately; whereas, biodegradable and pathogenic organisms are treated in a separate tank. Water can be restored by performing physical, chemical and biological processes. For effective removal of such microorganisms, Catazyme aerobic is mandatory.

It is a dry, free-flowing powder which contains a concentrated source of free-flowing hydrolytic enzymes along with ten strains of natural bacteria that are genetically capable of producing enzymes in wastewater treatment systems under aerobic and anaerobic conditions

Furthermore, it is also used for reducing BOD, COD levels as well as lowering the sludge volumes odour and colour in the effluent and sewage treatment plants.

This product finds application in industries like

  • Agro
  • Breweries andDistilleries
  • Coffee and Teaestates
  • Dairy
  • Foodprocessing
  • Paper
  • Leather
  • Hotel
  • Sugar
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Textiles
  • Municipal and Industrial wastetreatment

Dosage Recommendations:

 Dosage rate will vary with retention times, BOD/COD ranges, water temperature, pH, sludge built up and pond depth.

The areas in which Catazyme Aerobic, is used are

  • Oxidationlagoons
  • Sludgepits
  • Greasetaps
  • Aerationtanks
  • Imhofftanks
  • Digesters
  • Septictank
  • Clarifiers
  • Tricklingfilters


The product is to be used in a waste treatment system with a continuous flow and hydraulic retention of fewer than 24 Hrs. The products may be soaked in lukewarm water at 30 C for 8hrs in 1 {824dd0b0a187a2257a05dae7361937959a4a13c4342f1dda70ce6e72fd831949} water solution to activate the biological components and to allow the bacteria to get a start. Soaking period of over 10- 12hrs is recommended.

In multiple-level applications, it is recommended to dose at the lowest level first. The point of use should be in an area which allows the product maximum time in the system.


  1. Sludge volume will be reduced further, as more solids aredigested.
  2. Removesodour.
  3. Sludge will be easier to pump, process and dewater and will have minimal odourtoo.
  4. The capacity of the system will be increased effectively, because more waste can beprocessed more effectively in lesstime.
  5. Easier to balance the treatmentsystem.
  6. Bacterial oxidation of the liquid phase will be faster and morecomplete.
  7. Digesters will operate evenly and uniformly, easier planning and routinewaste

Flow Chart:

Directions for use:

It should be activated by mixing them in a bucket of warm water for a few minutes. Pour the slurry into the system at a point where normal water flow will disperse it evenly. The best way is to pour it into the waste stream inside the plant or just before it flows out into the plant / pour it directly into the middle of the pond or around the perimeter.

Bad odours and sludge accumulations take months and years to build up, and it will take some time to get rid of them, begin the treatment with double the usual weekly dosage for 3-4 weeks, after seeing significant improvements and can cut back to a standard weekly dose. Severe accumulation of sludge may take one / more years to get eliminated.